What is Design Review?
Design review is concerned with the aesthetics of a project.
The goal of the design review process is to make sure that development in the City’s special districts happens in an organized and pleasing way. The process ensures the area looks good, maintains property values, and helps keep the public safe. The overall aim is to encourage growth, prosperity, and more investment in the central district and preserve the special characteristics of all unique design districts in the City.
When would your project need Design Review approval?
IF either of the following apply:
- Your project takes place in the Design Review District, the Wick Park Historic District, or the Crandall Park-Fifth Ave Historic District (see map link below).
- Your project is receiving funding from the City through a façade grant program or another program.
AND your project will change the aesthetics of a building through new construction, additions, demolition, exterior remodeling, and other aesthetic elements like signage, lighting, painting, etc.
THEN your project will need to be reviewed by the Design Review Committee.
Your project requires Design Review. What now?
- Confirm the next Design Review Committee meeting (see calendar below).
- Calculate 10 days before that date – that is your application deadline.
- Now that you are ready to apply, use the step-by-step Design Review Process Guide (see link below) to walk you through the process.
- Submit your completed application and all supporting materials to design@youngstownohio.gov, no later than 10 days before the scheduled Design Review Committee Meeting.
- Await correspondence and confirmation that your project is on the agenda.