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Manage Your Water Account (opens in new window)

The Youngstown Water Department is committed to providing quality service and superior product to all consumers. The City receives all of its water from the Mahoning Valley Sanitary District. The primary source of water supply is the Meander Creek Reservoir.

Meter Change-Out Project

The Youngstown Water Department has been engaged with the Meter Change-Out Project since June 2015. This project involves the changing of over 56,000 meters and the installation of over 54,000 radio devices. The COVID-19 pandemic impacted progress for nearly two years, but we are back performing the installations. We are asking for your cooperation to complete this project.

Why are we changing out the meters?

What happens if I don’t change my meter?

How do I know if I have an old meter?

Important Numbers

  • Water Bill Information: (330) 742-8749
  • Emergency/After Hours: (330) 742-8760
  • Meter Reading: (330) 742-8752
  • City Sewer: (330) 742-8820
  • Mahoning County Sewer: (330) 793-5514
  • Trumbull County Sewer: (330) 675-2775
  • Sanitation: (330) 742-8800
  • Collections: (330) 742-8735
  • Bank Draft: (330) 742-8749, Option 1
  • Leak at Street: (330) 742-8760
  • Leak at Home: (330) 742-8752
  • Meander Water: (330) 799-6315
  • Meter Shop: (330) 742-8762


Water Department - Customer Service
City Hall, 1st Floor
26 South Phelps Street
Youngstown, OH 44503
Office Phone: (330) 742-8749
Hours of Operation:

Monday - Friday
Lobby Access 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Phones Answered 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Water Department - Engineering
160 North West Avenue
Youngstown, OH 44502
Office Phone: (330) 742-1362
Fax: (330) 742-8763
Hours of Operation:

Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM